Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh


Social Protection Programmes

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Non-State Actor Report on Social Protection: A Mapping of Social Protection Needs for the Marginalized Communities in Bangladesh

View Document The "Non-State Actors Report on Social Protection: Mapping Social Protection for Marginalized Communities in Bangladesh" offers a comprehensive examination of Bangladesh's social protection system in regard...

Shock Responsive Social Protection Model in Urban Settings of Bangladesh

View Document Bangladesh, one of the world's most densely populated nations, has experienced rapid urbanization. This urban shift, while indicative of socio-economic transitions, has exposed a considerable portion...

Climate-induced Shock Responsive Disaster Resilience Mapping for Adaptive Social Protection Programming of the at-Risk Population in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh (Draft)

View Document The frequency and magnitude of disasters are changing regularly. People around the world are experiencing more natural and human-induced disasters than ever before. Due to climate...

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Validation of the World Food Programme’s Food Consumption Score and Alternative Indicators of Household Food Security

View Document The objective of this study is to validate the World Food Programme’s (WFP) method of establishing the prevalence of food insecurity. WFP’s method...

Operationalizing Household Food Security in Development Projects: An Introduction

View Document Some development agencies and academics regard the concept of household food security—often defined as "access for all people at all times to enough...

Rapid Appraisal Methods for the Assessment, Design, and Evaluation of Food Security Programs

View Document Project managers in charge of implementing activities that address food security problems need tools to (1) identify the populations that are food insecure, (2)...

Action Plan - Phase II

Disability and Social Protection

Old Age

Concept Note on Pilot Study on Universal Old Age Allowance (OAA) in Bangladesh

View Document Bangladesh is rapidly advancing towards an aging country. The speed at which Bangladesh is likely to transition from the “aging” to...


Enhancing Social Protection Governance through Grievance Redress System

View Document For fair and equitable administration of social protection programmes, GRS is considered as an important tool in many countries. The Government...

Monitoring and Evaluation

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Social Insurance

Social Insurance Cluster

Finance Division – Coordinator Financial Institutions Division Health Services Division Medical Education and Family Welfare Division Ministry of Labour and Employment Ministry of Social Welfare Ministry of Expatriates’...