Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh


Bringing Social Protection Down to Earth: Integrating Climate Resilience and Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable

View Document Recent conceptual innovations, such as ‘social protection through a livelihood lens’ (Devereux, 2006), ‘adaptive social protection’ (Davies et al, 2008a), ‘climate change adaptation’...

Who are the Food Insecure?

View Document 1. The WFS Plan of Action in its para 20 (a) requested governments, in partnership with all actors of civil society, as appropriate,...

Determination of Food Availability and Consumption Patterns and Setting up of Nutritional Standard in Bangladesh

View Document The genesis of this study originates in policy concerns raised in discussions between the Government of Bangladesh represented by the Ministry of Food,...

Food Security Indicators and Framework for Use in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Food Aid Programs

View Document The purpose of this guide is to assist in the identification of food security indicators to be used in the monitoring and evaluation...

USAID Office of Food for Peace -Bangladesh Food Security Country Framework FY 2010-2014

View Document The purpose of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Food Security Country Framework (FSCF) for Bangladesh is to provide programming guidance...