Crosscutting Ministries / Divisions


The Cabinet Division is the apex body of the Government, responsible for cabinet affairs of the government,also having overall responsibility of coordinating functions of the Government across ministries and having overseeing functions of the field administration. As the coordinating authority, the Division has been working to enhance good governance in the country by various instruments like Government Performance Management System, Grievance Redress System, National Integrity Strategy, etc. One of the important responsibilities of the Division is to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the social security system of the country. The Division coordinated the process of formulating the National Integrity Strategy for implementation, for which it has been given major responsibilities.

The vision of the Cabinet Division is to enhance overall good governance in the country. Mission The NSSS mission of the Division is to coordinate and oversee, and monitor the implementation of a consolidated and efficient social security system.

The main challenge for the Cabinet Division is to establish coordination among line ministries to establish an inclusive social security system by consolidating the fragmented and discordant SS schemes along a lifecycle framework.

The major objective of the Cabinet Division is to mobilize the Central Management Committee (CMC)
on Social Security Programmes to streamline the social security system of the country. Facilitating
the establishment of a modern and efficient delivery mechanism of social benefits to the appropriate
targeted people is another charge of the Division.

GED will formulate a results-based monitoring and evaluation framework for the social security programmes; ensure consistency of the social security programmes with Five Year Plans and other national strategies.

The Finance Division will approve and disburse public-financed social security budget and track financial delivery.

The responsibility of Local Govern-ment Division is to provide assistance in targeting the beneficiaries through Local Government Institutions following participatory methods; to resolve any complaints relating to selection of beneficiaries and assist in preparation of a monitoring and evaluation system in this regard; and to provide assistance to the Ministries/Divisions in implementation of their social security programmes through the local government institutions.

This Division will be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of implementation of projects/programmes.

SID and BBS will develop, maintain and update a single registry beneficiary database, as well as the Bangladesh Household Database from which eligible beneficiaries can be sourced.