Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
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Social Protection in News

MAY DAY – Work that doesn’t exist on paper

It wasn't until 1972 that the term “informal sector” emerged in the development scene. Since then the phrase has continued to gain traction as a...

Round table Discussion on Social Security for Dalits and Marginalised People

Prothom Alo and the National Forum for Social Protection organised a roundtable titled “National Social Security Strategy: Inclusion of Dalits and Marginalised Communities” on...

Starving for food – Relief should have been planned ahead

"That the flood affected regions of the haor areas would be wiping out food resources for thousands of people was a well known fact. This...

Bangladesh poor to get cash, not rice, wheat for Test Relief, Food for Work schemes

"The government will give public representatives cash from now on instead of rice or wheat to implement Test Relief (TR) and Food for Work...