Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh

Special Rural Water Supply

Agency (Ministry/Division/Department):
Ministry of Local Government Rural Development and Cooperatives
Background and Objective (when the programme started and in what context):
There are challenges generated by the discovery of arsenic in incremental areas since its first detection in 1993, the Department of Public Health Engineering with its development partners is trying to ameliorate the sufferings caused by the lack of safe water. Alternative options for safe water supply are being catered in worse affected areas. Similarly for excreta and other waste management, DPHE is implementing different projects to achieve an improved environment. DPHE was established in 1936. The objectives of the Special Rural Water Supply project are:
1) To reduce the incidence of water borne and water related diseases by supplying safe water to the rural population.
2) To increase the coverage of safe water into the supply service
3) To retain water supply facilities in rural areas during and after natural calamities.
The main components are rain water harvesting, pond sand filter, deep tubewell with 6 shallow tubewells, Tara Dev Shallow Tubewell, SST/VSST, Dug well with sand filter, Community bases Arsenic, Iron removal plant
Local Implementation: (who implements the programme at the local level): The sponsoring Ministry/Division is Local Govt., Rural Development & Co-operatives/Local Govt. Division and the Executive Agency is the Department of Public Health Engineering
Budget in BDT million (FY 2015-2016):
BDT 72.50 crore
Coverage (Geographic) & Beneficiary Number (male/female) (Latest record, indicate year):
All over the country
Targeting (how beneficiaries are targeted) and Eligibility Criteria (who are eligible for this programme):
Benefit (what is delivered—cash, kind, employment) & outline frequency (at what interval the benefit is delivered, i.e. monthly, quarterly etc):

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