The NSSS suggests some administrative arrangements for smooth functioning and coordination of the social security programmes undertaken by the line ministries. One of such newer arrangements is to provide a platform of coordination for ministries/divisions with identical types of social security programmes. Such ministries/divisions have been grouped into five clusters to coordinate their programmes for avoiding probable overlapping. The five clusters as recommended in the NSSS are shown in the following diagram:
In order to give effect to the recommendations of the NSSS the Cabinet Division has issued a circular clearly defining the structure of the thematic clusters and their roles. The thematic clusters are as follows:
- Social Allowance Cluster
- Food Security & Disaster Assistance Cluster
- Social Insurance Cluster
- Labour/Livelihood Intervention Cluster
- Human Development and Social Empowerment Cluster
Terms of Reference of Thematic Clusters
The terms of reference of the thematic clusters are as follows:
- To reform, consolidate and integrate social security programmes in the light of the NSSS and to coordinate the action plans of ministries within each thematic cluster;
- To coordinate NSSS action plans of the Ministries/Divisions within the cluster and to submit the integrated action plans to the Central Management Committee
- To coordinate with the Finance Division for securing necessary budgetary allocations for implementation of action plans;
- To identify rules and regulations relating to the social security programmes of the cluster to be amended for the sake of implementing the NSSS;
- To monitor and evaluate the progress of implementation of the action plans of the Ministries/Divisions within the clusters;
- To design integrative plans for different programmes to ensure correct targeting and their effective implementation