Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh


A Compendium of Social Protection Researches

View Document This compendium contains the following studies: Barriers of Accessing Social Protection Programmes for the Poor and Marginalised Bangladesh has made spectacular strides forward in its...

Scope of Gender-responsive Adaptive Social Protection in Bangladesh

View Document Social protection is fundamental for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite gaps in coverage, social protection systems are crucial to keeping people...

Midterm Implementation Review of the National Social Security Strategy

View Document The National Social Security Strategy (NSSS), adopted in 2015, reflects the Government of Bangladesh’s resolute commitment towards reducing poverty and vulnerability. Building on...

Study on Framework for Introduction of National Social Insurance Scheme in Bangladesh

View Document The NSSS envisions the establishment of a National Social Insurance Scheme (NSIS) that will be regulated under the Insurance Act 2010 and governed...