One of the most common types of social security is social allowance or social assistance which is non-contributory, tax-financed, regular and predictable cash or in-kind resource transfers to poor and vulnerable individuals or households. The cluster of social allowance has been formed with the ministries which have under their implementation programmes/projects or activities focusing on transfer of social allowances.
The vision of the cluster is to establish a consolidated and non-duplicative social allowance system within the lifecycle framework. The NSSS objective for the cluster is to ensure social security of the different vulnerable section of population, especially children, vulnerable women, old age and people with disability by means of social allowance. In addition, this cluster will oversee how the various life cycle programmes can work as an integrated system, allowing vulnerable people access to benefits across the lifecycle.
Cluster Formation
- Ministry of Social Welfare (Coordinator)
- Ministry of Women and Children Affairs
- Ministry of Cultural Affairs
- Ministry of Liberation War Affairs
- Health Services Division
- Medical Education and Family Welfare Division
- Local Government Division
- Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs