In consideration of the multi-dimensional expansion of the responsibilities, the erstwhile Central Monitoring Committee (CMC) on Social Safety Net Programmes has been reformed and renamed as Central Management Committee– (CMC) on Social Security Programmes. The committee is formed with the Cabinet Secretary as the chair and secretaries of Ministries/Divisions as the members and the Additional Secretary (Coordination) of Cabinet Division as its member secretary.
TOR of Central Management Committee
The main terms of reference of the CMC include the following:
- To provide supports to the five thematic clusters on social security for coordination of mutual cooperation and provide guidance in solving inter-ministerial or inter-cluster disagreements or disputes;
- To approve the action plans for implementation of NSSS and to monitor progress in implementation of these action plans;
- To assist the ministries/divisions in obtaining reasonable amount of budget allocation and logistical supports for implementation of the action plans;
- To provide guidance to the ministries/divisions in aligning their on-going programmes along the lifecycle framework;
- To properly coordinate the implementation of social security programmes in consistence with the NSSS;
- To monitor the activities of the district and upazila level committees on social security, review their reports and take necessary decisions accordingly;
- To give guidance to the concerned ministries/divisions to implement the activities like, establishment of a single registry MIS, digitize G2P payment system, develop M&E and a robust GRS.