Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh

Food Security – A Review of Literature From Ethiopia to India

This  review  provides  the  theoretical  framework  for  any  research  on  food  security  and  social  protection  through  Employment  Generation  Schemes.  It  presents  a  ‘conceptual  geography’  of  important works of literature related to  the latest evidence and informed by the  best  international  experience.  The  subject of hunger can be tackled from  rights, economic, social, environmental,  agricultural  and  political  based  perspectives  and  therefore  a  combination  of  different  factors  are  determinants  of  the  extent  of  poverty  and hunger in a given context. Poverty  has been described as:  

“Poverty  has  both  physical  and  psychological  dimensions.  Poor  people  themselves  strongly  emphasise  violence,  crime,  discrimination, insecurity  and  political  repression,  biased  or  brutal  policing,  and  victimisation  by  rude,  neglectful  and  corrupt  public  agencies”  (Narayam et al, 2000)  



Implementation of National Social Security Strategy (NSSS)

View Document Record Notes of Sreemangal Workshop The workshop on Implementation...

NSSS Action Plan II (2021-26) – An Overview