Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
HomeSystem StrengtheningShock-responsive Adaptive Social Protection

Shock-responsive Adaptive Social Protection

How Climate Change is Impacting Plain Land Ethnic Minorities

Dhaka Tribune, 18 December 2018 Agriculture is the main occupation of many members of ethnic minorities, but climate change has left most of them unemployed Niresh...

জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনের প্রভাব – পাল্টে যাচ্ছে মুন্ডাদের জীবন-জীবিকা

সমকাল - ১৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮ পূর্ব-পশ্চিমে লম্বালম্বি পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ডের (পাউবো) বেড়িবাঁধ। পাশেই কেওড়া কাটা খাল। ভাটার সময় তখন। খালের পানি কমে গিয়ে কাদা দেখা...

National Consultation on NSSS Research Needs, Results-based M&E Framework, and Adaptive Social Protection Issues in Bangladesh

Although economic growth will continue to play an important role to help eradicate poverty, other supporting instruments will also be required. One such instrument...

Scope of Adaptive Social Protection in Bangladesh

View Document Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) is a relatively new paradigm in social protection that overlaps the elements of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster...

Fund for Climate Change

Introduction: This is a fund to help Bangladesh enhance its role as the key climate change focal point for Bangladesh both in national and...