Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
HomeSystem Strengthening

System Strengthening

Bringing Social Protection Down to Earth: Integrating Climate Resilience and Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable

View Document Recent conceptual innovations, such as ‘social protection through a livelihood lens’ (Devereux, 2006), ‘adaptive social protection’ (Davies et al, 2008a), ‘climate change adaptation’...

Does A Wife’s Bargaining Power Provide More Micronutrients to Females – Evidence from Rural Bangladesh

View Document Using calories in a unitary framework, previous literature has claimed lack of gender inequality in intrahousehold food distribution. This paper finds that while...

Female Decision-Making Power and Nutritional Status within Bangladesh’s Socio-economic Context

View Document Development efforts have brought about major changes in Bangladesh over the last decade1-3, yet the nutritional situation of women and children in Bangladesh...