Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
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Media Watch

Ensuring dignity for disabled persons

"Due to various constraints, Bangladesh cannot replicate the facilities enjoyed by the physically challenged people in developed countries. Yet it can protect the disabled...

Govt to increase food subsidy

"The government plans to increase the food subsidy by around 32 percent to Tk 3,721 crore in the revised budget for the outgoing fiscal...

Safety net schemes to get a boost

"Expenditure under the social safety net programmes, including allowance for the elderly and widows, will be increased substantially in the next fiscal year to...

Graft eats away rice supply for poor – Flood-hit farmers being deprived of food

"Allegations have arisen against the chairmen and their relatives in Sunamganj district's Rajanagor and Rofinagar union that they are depriving the affected farmers of...

Urban Poor: Caught in cycle of misfortune, debt, neglect

"Rokeya Begum's family lived off paddy farming in Bajitpur upazila of Kishoreganj. Three years ago, adverse weather damaged their crops, leaving them with nothing...