Social Security Policy Support (SSPS) Programme

An initiative of the Cabinet Division and the General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh

One House One Farm (Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar)

Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar i.e. One House One Farm (OHOF) is a poverty alleviation project through family farming. The goal of the project is alleviating poverty through e-financial inclu­sion (i.e. fund mobilization) followed by family farming livelihood and income generation of the under privileged and smallholders. Bangladesh is opting for poverty eradication & elimination of inequalities leading to achieve MDG-1 along with other MDGs. The key consideration is the eradication of all types of poverty from society to achieve sustainable and equitable development. Out of 25.35 million rural households, 84% households are small farming families (having 0.05-2.49 acres). They are producing the lion share i.e. nearly 70% of the agricultural production of the country. The majority small households or families in Bangladesh ensure food production, food security and food safety for themselves. So, the best option for Bangladesh is the optimum use of arable land via indigenous methods by smallholder farm families. Hence ensuring maximum food production and keeping potential resources for future use. More investment to smallholder and marginal farmers is now the strategic policy. From that viewpoint, One House One Farm project was taken where the investment is BDT 31620 million i.e. USD 400 million covering 2.43 million small and marginal farm households (with land 0.05 – 100.00 acres). The objectives of the project are:

  1. Formation of 81,000 cooperatives involving all the small & marginal farm families by 2016;
  2. Ensure optimum use of local human and natural resources sustainably by 2018;
  3. Provide incentive BDT 200 (US$ 2.5) per month to each small­holder by 2018;
  4. Provide grant BDT 150,000 (US$ 2000) annually to each village cooperatives by 2018;
  5. Skill development training and Empowerment of the poor farmers in particular the women by 2016;
  6. Ensure the use of the lands of absentee landowners under the OHOF by 2021;
  7. Do all activities through e-financial inclusion and online by 2016.

Local Implementation: (who implements the programme at the local level):
The project will be implemented in 40,527 villages of 4,503 Unions under 485 Upazillas of the country. The total households to be covered under this project will be 24,31,620 and that will provide benefits to 1,21,58,100 members of the households/community.
Eligibility Criteria:

  • Poor women headed households
  • Households having only homestead
  • Landless people who own 0.50 acres of land including homestead and earn their living through manual labour
  • Small and marginal farmers having 2.5 acres of land including homestead
  • Beneficiaries on chars and backward areas